Tag Archives: Love

I Support Marriage Equality

2 Aug

I’ve decided that I’m no longer just going to sit quietly by while loud mouth losers stand in lines for greasy, deep fried balls of fat (yes, I’m talking about Chic Fil A) just so they can make a group of people feel bad about themselves. Yeah I know it’s their right. But it’s my right to speak up too.

And you know what else?

It’s right. In 15 years, when I have kids and when any adult can marry the adult that they love (it will happen, sorry haters) I want to know that I did everything I could to help get that way. I want my kids to know that I stood up for what is fair for all people, and I want them to learn about love for everyone.

So don’t expect me to just keep quiet as the crazy haters try and destroy everyone that isn’t like them. You got a problem with that? Then unsubscribe from my blog and stop reading. Because I’m not going anywhere.

Call us Clark and Lois

4 Jun

I just wanted to give a quick congratulations to my wonderful boyfriend, Alex, for landing his grown-ass-man job as a crime reporter. We’re now officially a journalism couple. I love it… and him!

How Sitcoms Have Stolen my Mojo

17 Apr

The last week of my life has been filled with “How I Met Your Mother” on Netflix. It’s a pretty awesome show, but like all sitcoms it has its flaws. Maybe it was that I’ve been watching it non-stop for way too long, but I can’t help but feel like a huge nerd whenever I watch sitcoms. The people on these shows are just so… cool.

So being the really un-cool, non-sitcom, real-life-living girl that I am, I came up with a list of ways sitcoms have made me feel less awesome.

1. Constantly Attainable, Huge Group of Friends.
When I’m sitting at home on a Friday night in a t-shirt and leggings watching repeats of Swamp People I always wonder, ‘where’s my ragtag group of buds waiting for me at the bar below my apartment?‘ Where’s my saucy single guy friend and hopelessly romantic girl friend that always end up together even

Honestly, who has the time in their life to match their schedules with six other friends!?

though they know it will never work, and the crazy one that’s always getting into trouble but bringing us all closer together in the process? Am I the only person on the planet that doesn’t have a group of four-plus people constantly ready to jump and do something wacky and wild? Or am I just a friendless weirdo? I mean, let’s be honest, getting a group together takes some planning: decided whose house is the cleanest or less chaotic to head over to, finding times when everyone isn’t at class or at work, picking designated drivers for nights at the bar, it’s not as easy as it seems. How is everyone constantly attainable on these shows? Is it just an attempt at making everyone else look like losers? You’re killing me, big old group of TV friends.

2. Amazing Apartments
Oh, look at us, we’re a bunch of sexy 20-something singles on the road of life just trying to make it in the big city. Look at how big our fancy schmancy loft is! Pfffffft. Can I tell you how obnoxious it is to watch these people that are supposedly my age thriving in big giant apartments with couches that aren’t from Ikea and brightly painted wainscoting and vintage refrigerators that would obviously be expensive to maintain but still look cool while I sit here in the same bedroom I’ve existed in for the last 22 years? I read somewhere that Monica’s apartment in the middle of Greenwich Village on Friends would cost around $5,000 a month, which seems perfectly reasonable for a barista, a line cook and a masseuse to afford.  The crappy part about all this is that growing up and watching these shows I actually believed that when I graduated from college I would actually be in one of these apartments. No one told me that sitcom stars didn’t have to pay student loans, and Carrie Bradshaw makes shopping addictions look a lot cuter than they are in real life.

3. Endless Bank Account
How does a weekly columnist for the New York Star manage to afford so many amazing designer outfits!? Seriously, what is Carrie Bradshaw making, like $40,000 a year!? It’s not possible! And how much do you think it costs to keep Rachel Green’s hair looking that immaculate? Then of course there’s the

Seriously, Carrie?

random sitcom trips to various locations like Vegas and Atlantic City and London and all unfortunately funny mishaps that result in hilarious car crashes and pipes spraying water all over people in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner. What are sitcom characters just being constantly smothered by their own debt? And where is the episode about that? I understand the whole point of a situation-comedy is to provide viewers with comedy, but seeing how money grows on trees for all of these characters is not making me laugh! They all dress so perfectly and do fun things and look super cute and are never wondering where the money for their next bill will come from. I spend a lot of time finding out where these peoples’ outfits are from, and usually gasping at the actual price. Learn some financial responsibility, Rachel!

4. Socially Acceptable Alcoholism
Who doesn’t love a nice trip to the bar with friends. It’s awesome, it’s fun, and it’s fine… in moderation. My beloved sitcom characters have taken bar bonding to an absurd level. First of all, no one should be spending money on bar outings five days a week. Plus, these people have supposed jobs that always somehow work around their bar schedules. If I knew that my employees spent every night boozing, they’d be gone, no matter how many hilarious who-done-its they get themselves into. How many people in their late 20’s and early 30’s can drink like sitcom characters and not get judged like crazy? I mean they are literally sitting at bars pounding back shots every single time a minor situation come up in their life. You know what that is in real life? A warning sign.

5. Cool Jobs
I actually have one of those “cool jobs” that sitcom stars usually have. I’m an assistant editor at a magazine. I know, I know, it’s all big floor-to-ceilingwindows and crazy run-ins with celebrities and models. Actually… it’s not. It’s a lot of sitting at a cubicle, fighting with salespeople, and leaving voice-mails and e-mails for people that will never get back to me. It’s a lot of joking about Shutterstock, re-hashing scenes from Star Wars, and eating lunch at my desk and very little crazy antics and happy hours. No job is as fun as television tells us it will be; not because life is not some miserable journey to the end, but because if it that much fun no work would ever get done. Honestly I don’t know how the guys on “Just Shoot Me” managed to put out a 250 page magazine every month, they were just plain reckless.

Vide-OH! of the Day

27 Mar

I present: Jason Mraz’s “Bella Luna.” This is one of those songs that will always, always, always be one of my favorite songs. It’s so wonderfully romantic I completely forgot about it for a few months until Pandora decided to throw it into the mix today. Now I will be listening to it on loop all afternoon and I feel like I should invite you to join me.

Im Out… For the Weekend at least

17 Feb

I will not be posting this weekend, as I will be too busy spending Friday-Sunday with my wonderful boyfriend on our much needed getaway. Feel free to comment away, and e-mail me @ericabauw@yahoo.com with any questions or submissions!

My Funny Valentine

14 Feb

I spent 19 years of my life Valentine-less. Four of those were spent working at Rite Aid, watching all the guys line up to buy their last-minute cards (oh, men of the world, you’re so adorable goofy), one eating really unhealthy food in the Rowan University cafeteria with my friend Josh, one in London on a dinner date with my study abroad BFF Sara and movies and drinks with my other wonderful London ladies. The other 13 years largely consisted of brown paper bags decorated with hearts and packed full of themed Valentine cards from classmates… and themed turtlenecks.

The last three years I have had a Valentine, but he’s not just my Valentine. He’s my best friend, my partner, and the man I never knew existed but always secretly wished did. He’s the guy I unknowingly compared all other guys to, and the guy I hoped all other guys would be (before I met him, of course!). He embraces my weirdness, and gets my quirks. He doesn’t try to change me or make me something else, and I would never ever want anything but the exact person he is.

So Happy Valentine’s Day to my Valentine, Alex. I am the luckiest.

Yeah I LOVE Valentine’s Day, So What!?

14 Feb

Hey guess what world!? While you’re busy writing angry Facebook statuses about Hallmark scams and blah blah blah I’m off enjoying a holiday that’s cute, fun and totally harmless. Yeah I’m wearing pink! I’m also wearing red, and I painted my nails pink for the occasion. So what!? Yeah, I gushed over the box of flowers my boyfriend delivered to my office, while the anti-V-Day grumps moaned about it, so what!? And you bet your butt I’m going to eat at least one heart-shaped thing, watch at least one romantic movie today and send Valentine’s Day e-cards to at least five friends today.

I’m just tired of how cool it is to be anti-holiday nowadays! What is so wrong with dressing a little cuter than usual and being festive? I personally believe all of my friends and associates are far too young to be such curmudgeons about a holiday as painless as Valentine’s Day. I was single for 19 years, so I can understand the slight sting that comes with that, but you can still make it a fun day to celebrate the loves of your life, be it your best friend, your parents, your dog, Biggie Smalls… Whatever!

So I say Bah! Humbug to all those Valentine’s Day grumps. I’m going to take today to giggle a little more than usual, be obnoxiously cute, and have fun! It’s not too late for you to join me. Call up some friends, go buy some candy, and enjoy a fun and funky break in an otherwise mediocre workweek. You don’t need a guy buying you stuff or a girl asking for crap to enjoy the day. Valentine’s Day can be a fantastic way to celebrate loving yourself, loving your life and loving what the future may bring you. So join in the Valentine’s Day Revolution!

The rest of you can just enjoy another, boring Tuesday.

Super Easy, Super Quick Craft: My Cheap But Fantastic Valentine’s Gift

11 Feb

Alex and I have decided not to do anything too crazy on Valentine’s Day. We are going away next weekend and we really wanted to save money, so we’re not going overboard on a holiday on the worst day of the week… a Tuesday.

My problem? I love giving gifts. It’s why I love holidays. Oh gosh it’s my favorite thing. So I decided to go out and make a cheap and easy gift for him. My boss told me about this online company called Chocomize, which allows you to build your own chocolate bar with really crazy ingredients like gold flakes and rose pedals and all sorts of crazy spices. Alex loved the site, but he wanted to use his favorite candies, like Nerds, Sour Patch Kids and SweeTarts. The kid loves candy.

So this morning I went out to the craft store and got meltable milk chocolate, then headed over to Five Below to pick out his favorite candies. The chocolate cost about $2 and each box of candy cost around $.89, so it came to about $7 for a gift.

If you’re a candy maker, you might already have a mold to make a chocolate bar, or if you wanted to go out and buy one go ahead, but I decided to save three bucks and use the lid to a small shoe box that I had (from those amazing Target flats I blogged about a week ago). I took the lid and wrapped it in wax paper, then taped the sides down on the underside and voila! A free candy mold!

Next step is melting the chocolate and getting all of your candies ready. Pour the bag of chocolate into a microwave-safe bowl and microwave for intervals of 30 seconds, stirring every time. This takes a lot faster than you would think. For me it took around 2 minutes to get everything completely microwaved, and in that time I had opened all of the candy and gotten it ready. This is actually more important than you’d think: You don’t want the chocolate to harden before you can get the candy in.

Pour the melted chocolate into your mold. To make sure it was all even in the mold, and to get the bubbles out of the chocolate I tapped it against the counter a couple of times. You’ll see the bubbles rise to the surface and then pop! Then comes the fun part: the candy! Just go nuts. How am I supposed to explain how to decorate, it’s all up to you! This bar of chocolate is pretty huge: it used up one full box of Nerds, a bag of Pop Rocks, Spree, Sour Patch Kids and SweeTarts. AKA Alex’s fantasy candy bar.

Pop the candy bar in the fridge for 10 minutes or so, unmold and you’re done! You can put anything into this so that it matches whoever you want to give it to. They also have a ton of other melting chocolates. I almost went with a dark chocolate mint, since Alex loves anything mint chocolate chip, but I figured it wouldn’t go with all of the candies, so I stuck with milk chocolate, but the world is yours! After refrigerating this project took me about 15 minutes. Seriously. And it only cost me $7! It took longer for me to write this post than it did for me to make this gift, and I’m completely thrilled with it. I can’t wait to give it to him, it’s absolutely perfect.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Macy’s Awesome Ad

10 Feb

Check out this new Macy’s ad for their bridal registry:

Macy’s, you sneaky little sneaks you! I am in love with this ad! Why’s that? Check out the wedding cake, smack dab in the center of it. A two-man wedding topper!? Fabulous!! I love it!! Go Macy’s! Such a subtle hint at love in all forms. Oh gosh I’m like a proud mom right now.

I am all about gay marriage. All about it. I don’t even understand how it can still be right that two adults that love each other can’t get married. How is that not bananas!? Of course some organization One Million Moms that has a problem with it, but they have a problem with everything that doesn’t depict a blonde woman, blonde man and their perfect blonde son going to church. They even have issues with Ellen… ELLEN! How do you not love Ellen!? She’s all that is right and adorable in the world squeezed into one little person.  Those moms just probably never had an awesome gay best friend to shop with and bond with. I guess I would be angry too! If they did “mom jeans” wouldn’t have such a bad connotation.

I’m sorry that so many LGBT people have to deal with such angry and spiteful people as the One Million Moms organization. The people that I have met that are LGBT are the most understanding and relatable people I have ever met, simply because they are met by disgusting hatred every single day of their life, all because they love the people that they love. It’s not fair and I wish there was more I could to help protect others from hate like this.

I’m sorry that other moms in the world suddenly have to be compared to this ugly group. I think what makes this group a joke for me is that I know that the people I chose to have in my life would never support them or their ridiculous rants about hate. I know my friends and future mothers will teach their children that love comes in all sorts of packages, as I plan to one day. And I know that my children will not be around women that are angry and internally ugly and all around mean, because I won’t allow it. I will not raise a bully.

Bottom line, is the world is full of diversity. That is what makes it awesome. It’s great to see the classic staple of American domesticity that is Macy’s embrace the world’s diversity and celebrate it. To celebrate them, I guess I’ll just have to go buy a new pair of shoes or something from Macy’s tonight. What can I say, I’m almost too charitable.

My 100 Favorite Things

1 Feb

So this mark’s Erica Takes Over the World’s 100th blog post! I know what you’re thinking, did I really just waste a year of my life have the honor of reading 100 articles on this blog!? To celebrate, I’ve decided to list my 100 favorite things, which are probably also the 100 greatest things in the world so you’re welcome. Enjoy! (FYI: these are NOT in any particular order, and the bolded ones are the photos on the right!)

1. Sales on Hot Pockets
2. Gravy cheese fries from Khyber Pass in Philadelphia
3. Liz Lemon
4. Crime documentaries with bad actor depictions
5. Crappy shows available on airplanes
6. Naps on football Sundays
7. Micro Pigs
8. Alex Young
9. Adele
11. The Dark Horse Pub in Philadelphia
12. My camera lens coffee cup
13. Bangers and Mash
14. Tina Fey
15. When people ‘like’ my intentionally comical Facebook statuses
16. Diet Coke


17. Being a twin
18. Puppy paws
19. Writing
20. Leslie Knope
21. Minesweeper
22. Pinterest, and the subsequent crafts that come from it
23. Dogfish Head Brewery‘s Punkin Ale
24. English Bulldogs
25. Rainbow Chip Frosting
26. “Parks and Recreation
27. London
28. The way Home Depot smells
29. Hellogiggles
30. My gray UGGs
31. Really heavy rain in the summer right before the sun sets
32. Christmas Eve
33. Anything with lamb in it.
34. The Philadelphia Phillies
35. Finding money in old bags/clothes in my closet.
36. Big Ben
37. Making up weird conversations for people to overhear when they pass me on the street.
38. My “Life is Good” duffle-bag
39. Alec Baldwin’s face
40. Strongbow cider
41.  Breaking out flip flops for the first time every year
42. Craft beers
43. Crazy Philadelphians
44. Bread… just any bread.
45. When Will Arnett and Amy Poehler act together
46. Baked brie
47. Great White Sharks
48. Traveling
49. McGillin’s Old Ale House in Philadelphia

Simmonds, my favorite Flyer

50. Wayne Simmonds
51. Chelsea Football Club
52. Leggings
53. Crying during “Father of the Bride”
54. “Elf,” or pretty much any Will Ferrell movie.
55. A hot ham and mozzarella baguette from Upper Crust at Waterloo Station in London.
56. Backgammon
57. Indoor pools at hotels
58. Arianna and Craig from “SNL”
59. The Philadelphia Union
60. The first piece of paper in a notebook
61. Street Art

62. My banana bread recipe (soon to be blogged!)
63. My boyfriend’s amazing steak dinner
64. Re-fluffing my pillow perfectly in mid-sleep
65. Baking

One of, like, 2000 available on Facebook.

66. Stealing people’s cameras and clogging them with lots of close-up shots of my face.
67. Mel Brooks movies
68. Tazo Wild Sweet Orange tea
69. Chicken Cheesesteaks
70. “Forgetting” my phone at home
71. Carlos Ruiz, Philadelphia Phillies #51
72. Shark Week
73. My Mumford and Sons Pandora playlist.
74. Sea Isle City, New Jersey
75. Baby animal yawns
76. Online window shopping
77. Bacon
78. Amy Winehouse
79. Driving with the windows down
80. The Philadelphia Flyers
81. Putting Nutella on anything
82. “50 First Dates”
83. Charlie, the stuffed bulldog my boyfriend got me before he left for study abroad in 2010
84. My Nanny
85. That part in “Valentine’s Day” when Julia Roberts’ character sees her son.
86. Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
87. Samurai movies
88. Pizza with an egg on top (seriously, try it)
89. Listening to jazz while cooking
90. Jigsaw Puzzles
91. Love Park in Philadelphia
92. John Mayer
93. M&Ms
94. Black Bears (nature’s cutest carnivore)
95. Lobster Bisque from ShopRite
96. A sharp-dressed man
97. Building an imaginary apartment at Ikea
98. Anything non-fiction on Netflix
99. Remembering awesome dreams
100. Having the creative insanity to write such a pointless and personally entertaining blog, and having amazing people that actually read it!